
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Under The Bed

Under the bed

 Little jeffy who was wearing his lightning mcqueen Pjs.

hi heard a noise coming from Under his bed he but doesn't know what the noise was.

Then he had a look and he couldn't See what it was.

 All he heard a scratching noise then hi saw write light.

 AAAAAAHHHHHH he cried there's a ghost then hi raced to his mum.

The next morning he went and had another Look.

Om gosh Mitten had a kitten. Mum he yelled Mitten had a kitten.

 He named the kitten frank.

this is work i have written and edited myself. its still in work king progress

Do you want me to post a other peace like this?

1 comment:

  1. good to see you are writing Cage, I really enjoyed it and would love to hear more. maybe just have a read through and see if you need to check any spelling
    Mum x


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