my pepeha
My pepeha:
Ko Maunga Piko toku maunga (Mountain)
Ko Waitiki toku awa (River)
Ko Kurahoupu toku waka (Canoe)
Ko Ngati Kuri toku iwi (Tribe)
Ko Te Reo Mihi toku marae (Meeting house)
No Te Hapau ahau (I am from)
Kei Kaimaumau toku inaianei (I now live)
Ko Paparore toku kura (School
Ko Brown toku whanau (Family)
Ko Daniel toku matua (Father)
Ko Naria toku whaea (Mother)
Ko Cage toku ingoa (Your name)
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.
This was really easy
tell me in the comments what i should do nent time?
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