
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Under The Bed

Under the bed

 Little jeffy who was wearing his lightning mcqueen Pjs.

hi heard a noise coming from Under his bed he but doesn't know what the noise was.

Then he had a look and he couldn't See what it was.

 All he heard a scratching noise then hi saw write light.

 AAAAAAHHHHHH he cried there's a ghost then hi raced to his mum.

The next morning he went and had another Look.

Om gosh Mitten had a kitten. Mum he yelled Mitten had a kitten.

 He named the kitten frank.

this is work i have written and edited myself. its still in work king progress

Do you want me to post a other peace like this?

Monday, July 1, 2019

My Pepeha:

WALT:We are learning
my pepeha

My pepeha:

Ko Maunga Piko toku maunga (Mountain)

 Ko Waitiki toku awa (River)

 Ko Kurahoupu toku waka (Canoe)

 Ko Ngati Kuri toku iwi (Tribe)

 Ko Te Reo Mihi toku marae (Meeting house)

 No Te Hapau ahau (I am from)

 Kei Kaimaumau toku inaianei (I now live)

 Ko Paparore toku kura (School

 Ko Brown toku whanau (Family)

 Ko Daniel toku matua (Father)

 Ko Naria toku whaea (Mother)

 Ko Cage toku ingoa (Your name)

 No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.

 This was really easy 

tell me in the comments what i should do nent time?


 WALT: We are learning about Matariki.

Matariki Did you know that Matariki begins on 25 June 

Matariki appears the north-east sky

 Did you know Every year matariki takes place in bay of island

These are all the names of Matariki Matariki Tupu-ā-rangi Waipuna-ā-rangi, Waitī, Tupu-ā-nuku Ururangi, Waitā, 3.
The art was quit hard

What should i do better?